
West PDX Today

Friday, January 17, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Washington County rise or fall in 2021?


Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Washington County received $953,981 less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 366 farmers in cities within Washington County received a total of $6.7 million in 666 farm subsidies, a 12.4% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $7.7 million in 909 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Washington County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Amstad Farming Company$18,777$897,8784,681.8%
Iwasaki Bros, Inc.$0$750,000--
Berger International, LLC$139,366$294,525111.3%
Vanasche Farm, LLC$118,873$223,57988.1%
Philip G. Smith$0$181,634--
Cropp Farms, LLC$13,331$134,310907.5%
Farm Service Agency/Commodity Credit Corporation$0$130,267--
Ponzi Vineyards, LLC$0$129,284--
Ever May Farms, Inc.$277,736$125,008-55%
RI-Mar Farms, Inc.$154,994$121,647-21.5%
Hoffman Farms, LLC$236,489$109,812-53.6%
Unger Family Farms, Inc.$169,189$107,699-36.3%
Arthur A. Meury$132,551$100,232-24.4%
Tonges Farms, LLC$31,344$92,351194.6%
Behrman Farms, Inc.$40,308$92,241128.8%
LSV Farm & Mill, Inc.$8,375$90,522980.9%
Thomas A. Duyck$139,359$88,353-36.6%
Duyck Family Farm, LLC$0$88,158--
Marsh Homestead, Inc.$102,556$77,861-24.1%
Sunset Farm & Nursery, Inc.$2,023$76,2553,669.4%
William E. Duyck$77,323$74,884-3.2%
Epler Farms$0$74,567--
Finegan Farms, Inc.$70,999$72,4962.1%
Schmidlin Farms$63,319$71,51612.9%
Petshow Gales Creek Farms$11,228$67,629502.3%
Kenneth W. Buelt$10,735$66,597520.4%
Lewis Farm, Inc.$57,564$65,22613.3%
Twin Oaks Nursery, LLC$0$62,806--
Alan Schaaf$5,637$60,874979.9%
Sheelar S & S Farms, Inc.$51,930$59,68814.9%
Forest Enterprises, Inc.$0$52,875--
Mikes Logging and Bulldozing, Inc.$0$52,875--
Neuman's Logging, LLC$0$52,875--
Turner Logging, Inc.$0$52,875--
James A. Vuylsteke$1,668$52,0033,017.7%
Eric Thompson$50,000$50,0000%
John T. Bernards$12,989$49,150278.4%
Samuel J. van Dyke$6,698$47,860614.5%
Wooden-Teton Properties, LLC$39,078$46,67119.4%
Koehnke Farms, Inc.$28,670$46,06160.7%
Stadelman Farm, LLC$8,434$45,051434.2%
Spencer C. Gates$19,824$43,850121.2%
Forest Hills Farms, Inc.$367,543$42,113-88.5%
Our Table Cooperative$0$42,112--
Tuxedo Street Farms, LLC$0$37,543--
Dierickx Farms, Inc.$31,320$36,46216.4%
North Valley Farms, LLC$2$36,2031,810,050%
Vandehey Farms, Inc.$18,254$34,41488.5%
Patrick Peters$12,571$33,258164.6%
Cawrse Century Farm, Inc.$1,305$32,9832,427.4%
Leckington Logging, Inc.$0$30,342--
Donald L. Hunt$29,481$29,4810%
Ronald L. Dobbin$42,775$25,918-39.4%
Bylund-Kiger Farms, LLC$26,627$24,956-6.3%
Vanda Pfeffer Trust$24,679$24,6790%
Michael Duyck$35,526$24,107-32.1%
Semper Farms, LLC$0$23,914--
Lobes Farms Oregon, LLC$0$23,466--
Randy Lemley$28,645$23,010-19.7%
Allen van Dyke$16,370$21,23629.7%
Alan S. van Dyke$11,139$20,74086.2%
Flannel Farms, LLC$0$20,614--
Runckel, LLC$14,837$20,24136.4%
William H. Rieckmann$50,567$20,137-60.2%
Michal Rieckmann$50,564$20,136-60.2%
Knecht Revocable Living Trust$25,573$20,004-21.8%
Paul H Coussens Farm, LLC$13,733$19,46141.7%
Flying V Ranch, Inc.$21,869$18,455-15.6%
Calvin E. Grossen$3,598$18,358410.2%
RLJJ, LLC$18,038$18,0380%
Sharla Dupre$0$16,906--
Gumercindo Gonzalez JR$90,826$16,848-81.5%
Blackstone Farms, LLC$59,358$15,575-73.8%
Terence Peters$3,675$14,719300.5%
E & W Kelly Ranch, LLC$33,117$14,103-57.4%
Reichen Farms$0$14,001--
J F Temple, Inc.$13,504$13,7271.7%
Timothy McCarthy$13,776$13,630-1.1%
Steven P. Harvey$8,942$13,38649.7%
Philip Tilp$5,836$13,184125.9%
Les King, Inc.$9,827$13,03132.6%
David Bell M. Farms$16,142$12,133-24.8%
Debbie L. Hart$15,566$12,101-22.3%
Lawrence J. Duyck$21,016$10,279-51.1%
Stone Ranch, LLC$26,363$10,151-61.5%
Richard Hartle$9,830$9,8300%
Ella Ranch, LLC$7,061$9,77838.5%
Paula Nelson$9,626$9,6260%
R Stanley Ditus$14,087$9,445-33%
Rosemary Wood$9,254$9,2540%
Damar Farms, LLC$0$9,112--
Utorha Land and Cattle, LLC$9,548$8,814-7.7%
Leland Philip Samuelson$0$8,781--
Scott Winters Living Trust$7,084$8,61321.6%
Terry P. Hofer$15,059$8,383-44.3%
Allan Sorensen$0$8,294--
Colleen Loucks$7,717$7,9152.6%
Suzanne L. Zimmerman$16,834$7,609-54.8%
Hazlitt Farms, LLP$12,056$7,593-37%
Heesacker Farms, Inc.$62,968$7,477-88.1%
Grabhorn Farms, LLC$0$7,437--
Ralph M. Duyck$5,388$7,32235.9%
Gonzalez Berry Farm, Inc.$0$7,276--
Sour Dough Ranch, LLC$0$7,208--
Spiesschaert Farms$677$7,161957.8%
Kathleen Sahlfeld$0$7,107--
Harmonee Farms, LLC$0$7,059--
Clifton Brothers$6,929$6,9290%
Linda Ann Cook Trust$25,140$6,879-72.6%
FRY Crops, Inc.$14,271$6,706-53%
Carole Wooden$7,502$6,609-11.9%
Gary Wooden$7,502$6,609-11.9%
Joseph E. van Dyke$2,487$6,480160.6%
Edmund H. Duyck$18,563$6,109-67.1%
Nancy S. Lewis$3,576$5,93365.9%
Jossy Farms, Inc.$9,755$5,742-41.1%
Kenneth D. Lindow$11,632$5,563-52.2%
Bell Family Farms$7,341$5,540-24.5%
Brown Ranches, Inc.$0$5,532--
Tonya van Dyke$2,716$5,39098.5%
Larry D. Bell$0$5,352--
Kurt J. Albee$5,230$5,2300%
Portmore Park, LLC$5,030$5,0300%
Donald Reese$9,891$4,883-50.6%
Billy Frank and Marie Wilson Living Trust$0$4,871--
Becky Lambert$3,899$4,86524.8%
David M. Sill Revocable Living Trust$0$4,808--
Plum Hill Vineyards, LLC$0$4,768--
Riskedal ELKS, LLC$2,190$4,542107.4%
Thomas Bernards$2,883$4,53557.3%
E S C Trust Sept 20 2000$7,810$4,363-44.1%
Forney Farm, LLC$8,352$4,274-48.8%
David J. Duyck$584$4,203619.7%
Mcrae Ranch, LLC$1,547$4,024160.1%
Steve Vangrunsven$0$3,951--
Neil T. Duyck$26,556$3,947-85.1%
Billie J Michaud Revocable Living Trust-Billie Michaud$5,226$3,816-27%
Jacob T. van Dyke$0$3,808--
Jesse van Dyke$9,963$3,790-62%
Eischen Farms Limited Partnership$0$3,788--
John Cleveland Testamentary Trust$8,647$3,776-56.3%
Douglas W. Reese$6,830$3,761-44.9%
Ronna Rickman$6,833$3,677-46.2%
Knutson Family Trust$5,194$3,620-30.3%
Casey Schoch$0$3,617--
Patrice a Mino Living Trust$3,921$3,580-8.7%
Stagg's Farm, LLC$2,676$3,46829.6%
Helen Evers$4,218$3,418-19%
Lyle Spiesschaert$3,409$3,4090%
Audrey M Garbe Revocable Trust$2,250$3,37349.9%
KCP Farms, LLC$0$3,304--
Keith Blau$5,697$3,183-44.1%
Ruth Berger Trust$0$3,165--
Richard A. Krueger$2,396$3,14731.3%
Marcia L. Ankerson$3,302$3,115-5.7%
Hayfarm, LLC$9,045$3,113-65.6%
DD Farm Property, LLC$13,072$3,061-76.6%
Sharon a Graver Revocable Living Trust$3,861$2,996-22.4%
Luciole Vineyard, LLC$0$2,968--
Christopher Snodgrass$2,958$2,9580%
Gosselin Farms$8,841$2,887-67.3%
Joseph Kemper$1,253$2,728117.7%
Michael D. Kilgore$5,300$2,703-49%
David Jeffrey Delplanche$5,355$2,665-50.2%
Nussbaumer Dairy$5,364$2,622-51.1%
Ronald L Gray Living Trustee DTD 07/12/2018$2,188$2,60118.9%
Gregory Rieben$16,815$2,555-84.8%
Gary Stadelman$6,127$2,518-58.9%
Bierly Farms, LLC$3,395$2,437-28.2%
Cindy a Gray Living Trustee DTD 07/12/2018$2,187$2,43211.2%
Phillip K. van Dyke$2,417$2,4170%
Carol L. Vanschepen$3,024$2,407-20.4%
Alvind Eric Owens$2,706$2,341-13.5%
David H. Bruce$2,403$2,327-3.2%
Justin D. Durham$2,247$2,2470%
Chad L Mcgrath - Chad L Mcgrath Revocable Trust$6,468$2,228-65.6%
John R. Dunn$2,090$2,2276.6%
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation$6,781$2,195-67.6%
Trevor a Soleim$5,235$2,188-58.2%
David D. Hering$5,274$2,172-58.8%
Jon W Doyl$0$2,169--
Twin Fir Century Farm, LLC$4,272$2,090-51.1%
Joseph F. Heesacker$11,017$2,054-81.4%
Betty E. Lindsay$4,216$1,989-52.8%
Brenda K Lobbato$3,514$1,942-44.7%
John V Lobbato$3,515$1,942-44.8%
Alfred L. Dinsdale$1,922$1,9220%
Ivan Ivan R Winger Family Trust R Winger$10,752$1,922-82.1%
Linda K. Green$3,351$1,909-43%
Ronald L. Spiering$3,455$1,899-45%
Cynthia Chabre$2,831$1,811-36%
Donald and Leigh Layman Trust$2,685$1,796-33.1%
Linda K. Rasmussen$6,574$1,793-72.7%
Tim J. Williams$4,812$1,761-63.4%
Howell Tree Farm Partnership, Ltd.$1,758$1,7580%
Oregon River Ranch, LLC$4,168$1,758-57.8%
Randy W. Alexander$6,482$1,742-73.1%
Michael John Mcelevey$1,739$1,7390%
Oregon Berry Packing, Inc.$224,792$1,732-99.2%
Amos Rich Nurseries, Inc.$32,861$1,717-94.8%
Kelly Cook$3,213$1,717-46.6%
Wachlin Farms$14,753$1,713-88.4%
E T Sahnow Farms, Inc.$3,172$1,654-47.9%
Douglas Thomas$2,572$1,645-36%
Margo T. Winquist$2,563$1,645-35.8%
Malcolm B. Wall$1,644$1,6440%
Tamara West$2,927$1,632-44.2%
Rollie R. Ruehlman$0$1,526--
John Perry$0$1,522--
Marinda Peters$9,368$1,483-84.2%
Warren E Ferguson JR Management Trust-Warren E Fer$0$1,467--
Ardis J. Smith$5,226$1,438-72.5%
Paula Thompson$2,380$1,417-40.5%
Kittelson Family 2013 Trust$2,135$1,414-33.8%
Pauline Howard Trust$2,147$1,398-34.9%
Robert H. McNeilly$1,397$1,3970%
Topaz Holdings, LLC$1,386$1,3860%
RLK Smith Orchards, LLC$51,096$1,368-97.3%
Joann Kemper Fox Living Trust$1,348$1,3480%
Nowlin Sisters Farms$1,592$1,305-18%
Verboort Berry Farms, LLC$154,239$1,296-99.2%
Donna K. Gray$684$1,27286%
Keith C. Taylor$2,088$1,261-39.6%
Kenneth H. van Dyke$1,255$1,2550%
Lisa M. van Dyke$1,255$1,2550%
Leon B Graver Rev Trust$2,792$1,235-55.8%
Karina J. Sigler$1,181$1,2344.5%
Timothy D. Colley$2,268$1,232-45.7%
Echo Glen Farms, LLC$1,220$1,2200%
Paul Stadelman$2,286$1,199-47.6%
Dorothy M Smith Rev Trust$3,179$1,198-62.3%
Nickolas Duyck$1,183$1,1830%
Glen Spiesschaert$1,171$1,1710%
Daniel Frank Noll$1,266$1,166-7.9%
Cochran Vineyard, LLC$1,164$1,1640%
Luke A. Peterson$1,155$1,1550%
Dave Heikes Farms, Inc.$48,614$1,150-97.6%
Priscilla A. Wilson$1,820$1,114-38.8%
Loretta Jean Paulson$1,238$1,100-11.1%
Glenn K. Butler$1,097$1,0970%
Cedar Row Farm, LLC$1,064$1,0640%
Laurie Van Roekel$5,203$1,059-79.6%
Rood Bridge Ranch, LLC$5,510$1,052-80.9%
Conpac Agro$0$1,050--
James M. Roesler$3,059$1,046-65.8%
Rosemary M. Balzer$3,267$1,044-68%
Scott A. Baker$1,620$1,024-36.8%
Margaret M. Folsom$191$1,023435.6%
Margit H. Rudy Trust$1,020$1,0200%
Joyce -Swift Trust Carey Swift$1,463$1,018-30.4%
Janice Tate$857$99616.2%
David a Lepschat$1,987$987-50.3%
Dave Squire$822$96016.8%
John Cummings$1,416$958-32.3%
Mary Lee Alder$3,068$935-69.5%
Patricia L Boehr - Living Trust of Irwin I Boehr L & Patrici$0$935--
Bruce Cuyler$895$8950%
Van Dyke Home Place Trust$1,866$888-52.4%
Gerry Grossen$0$887--
Rood Bridge Farms, LLC$0$863--
Eugene Evers$853$8530%
Margarita Reyes$0$848--
Michelle Gregg$907$839-7.5%
Christopher W. Hodges$0$793--
Jane E. McCalman$1,539$790-48.7%
Robert N. Atchison$938$780-16.8%
Michael Harvey$1,537$748-51.3%
John Lauer$710$7100%
Carol Blahnik$2,277$680-70.1%
Eight Iron Ranch, LLC$670$6700%
Teri Erickson$1,299$669-48.5%
Albert Jansen$1,331$667-49.9%
Mark Fisher$656$6590.5%
Burton G Melstad Trust$746$657-11.9%
Nathan Graves$626$6260%
Deborah C. Risinger$0$615--
Charles Clay Actor$0$615--
Lisa a Actor$0$615--
Dennis R. Hille$915$592-35.3%
Eve Lonnquist$590$5900%
Lynn Baker$590$5900%
C W Baggenstos Farms, LLC$1,845$587-68.2%
Ronald Delplanche$1,510$586-61.2%
Jerald Schulmerich Living Trust$1,094$579-47.1%
Philip C Dudonis$5,445$578-89.4%
Cedar Ridge Farms, LLC$13,359$575-95.7%
Kenneth C. Pierson$0$575--
Alicia Nicole Hudson$0$575--
Steel Living Trust$1,778$563-68.3%
Mckay Creek Farm, LLC$117,555$528-99.6%
3pete Farms, LLC$1,195$524-56.2%
Beaverton Foods, Inc.$750$500-33.3%
Sun Gold Farm, LLC$35,684$491-98.6%
Jeralyn L. Wyatt$353$47133.4%
Ben P. Bole$7,818$468-94%
David F Delplanche$945$462-51.1%
David J. Sip$1,180$449-61.9%
Lambing Acres, LLC$440$4420.5%
Marcellene M Tuffli$697$423-39.3%
Charles W. Baggenstos$2,970$417-86%
Dixie Pankratz$874$414-52.6%
Bruce Skurdahl$725$411-43.3%
Robert C. Ling$0$385--
Linda J. Toner$0$347--
Scott Wolff$338$3380%
Roger Herinckx$328$3280%
Carl Obermeier$325$3250%
Clark H. Tanner$316$3160%
F & E Buck, LLC$489$304-37.8%
Joshua S Calene$301$3010%
Charles Schmidlin$946$296-68.7%
Elston Family Farms, LLC$2,258$284-87.4%
Norma Perry$499$261-47.7%
3 D Blueberry Farms, Inc.$56,354$260-99.5%
Charles T. & Eva M. Collenberger Family Trust$430$258-40%
Mark L. Christianson$359$250-30.4%
DC & M's Farms, LLC$1,316$224-83%
Jeanine Surface$439$215-51%
Jeffrey Judd Elston$0$180--
William S Griffels$368$179-51.4%
Kevin N. Duyck$111,202$175-99.8%
VDS Farms, Inc.$1,480$170-88.5%
Linda Jo Griffin-Griffin Family Trust$0$155--
Mark I Merizan$427$154-63.9%
Holly F. Foote$0$152--
Twigg Farms, LLC$17,478$152-99.1%
Melinda Fearn$252$149-40.9%
Flying Pig Properties, LLC$0$136--
Schulmerich-Mannion, LLC$304$127-58.2%
Lee C. Hodges$10,580$125-98.8%
William R. Neuman$108$1080%
Peggy Van DE Moortele$17$94452.9%
Terry Joe Weger$0$87--
Matthew Duyck$2,145$81-96.2%
Donna Nemec$138$76-44.9%
Stanley E. Duyck$146$73-50%
Love Farms, Inc.$27,044$68-99.7%
John G Krautscheid$177$67-62.1%
Susan M. Powell$0$63--
K V Farms, Inc.$50,490$60-99.9%
William F. Vandehey$12,936$56-99.6%
Dean Viers$50$500%
Debra L. Martin$118$46-61%
David N. Mathiesen$2$381,800%
Michael Smith$6$32433.3%
Grossen Peaches, LLC$15,431$32-99.8%
Michael D. Anderson$1$302,900%
Guy Putman$0$26--
Raymond L. Sweeney$0$26--
Steel Family, Ltd.$4,176$26-99.4%
Ardell J. Goeden$0$24--
Judith B. Lichtenstein$199$22-88.9%
Egger Family, LLC$0$16--
Walter Vandehey$661$14-97.9%
Aileen E. Maller$0$12--
Robert Shumaker$0$12--
Annette Evans$128$12-90.6%
Henry Stadelman$1$121,100%
Donald R. Vandehey$0$10--
John W. Schmidlkofer$0$10--
Patricia Van Domelen$0$8--
Beverly Yungen$0$7--
Jim Gilbert$1$7600%
Joe Strasburg$1$5400%
Dixie Mathiesen$0$5--
Ryan Jones$0$5--
Hydeagri Farms, LLC$212$0-100%
Pat Propper$1,866$0-100%
Rhonda Zelazko$138$0-100%
Rigert Landscaping Company, Inc.$114,738$0-100%
Andrew W. Duyck$1,503$0-100%
Covey Ridge Vineyards, LLC$10,614$0-100%
Gary M. Freeman$66,924$0-100%
James A. Smejkal$10,833$0-100%
Okerstrom Family Trust$2,103$0-100%
Phillip Herinckx$2,181$0-100%
Robert Herinckx$208$0-100%
Schwope Brothers West Coast, LLC$250,000$0-100%
Bernhardt Industries, Inc.$3,703$0-100%
Cooper Mountain Winery, LLC$92,685$0-100%
Dean a Pierson Declaration of Trust$3,293$0-100%
Faye Zimmer$3,553$0-100%
Jan Hinkle$8,705$0-100%
Janet C. Rickel$173$0-100%
Kathleen Anne Johnson$125$0-100%
Kelly Ranch Property, LLC$2,864$0-100%
Kevin Bonness$432$0-100%
Linda Jo Griffin-Griffin Family T$117$0-100%
Myrna Mae Elmore Trust$290$0-100%
Nancy Santoro$140$0-100%
Panzer Nursery, Inc.$531,868$0-100%
Rodger Hergenrader$452$0-100%
Rollie R. Ruehlman$1,217$0-100%
Sara Sheets$18$0-100%
Susan Powell$379$0-100%
TDT Investment Group, LLC$2,411$0-100%
Thomas Tibbs$31,754$0-100%
Warren E Ferguson JR Management T$4,511$0-100%
Willard Farms, LLC$96$0-100%
Betsy Davenport$867$0-100%
Blubarb Farms, LLC$6,405$0-100%
Iowa Hills Farm, Inc.$21,876$0-100%
Jacobsmuhlen Meat, Inc.$96$0-100%
Nicholas H. Duyck$1,503$0-100%
Pacific Blue Acres, Inc.$17,706$0-100%
Robert Hayes$401$0-100%
Rose Hill Enterprises, LLC$280$0-100%
Terry Eros$1,108$0-100%
Unger Farms, Inc.$161,184$0-100%
Billy Frank and Marie Wilson Livi$2,450$0-100%
Brett Edward Elston$4,962$0-100%
Clifford R. Morrow$9,503$0-100%
Dianne Cotuna$1,181$0-100%
Donald W. Anderson$46$0-100%
Gregory F Vandehey Living Trust$692$0-100%
Jack Normandin$7,623$0-100%
James N. Herinckx$155$0-100%
Kintz Rev Trust$260$0-100%
Kohlmeyer Farms, Inc.$4,043$0-100%
Kristin Elaine Vance$5,814$0-100%
Matthew Oberhelman$27,000$0-100%
Nancy Bridges$4,152$0-100%
Petersen Farms, LLC$61,413$0-100%
Sally Tebbet$3,054$0-100%
Steven J. Heesacker$11,751$0-100%
Sunset Hill Farm, LLC$470$0-100%
Three Branches, LLC$14,173$0-100%
Vincent and Rachel D'Angelo Revoc$2,625$0-100%
Andrew J. Robello Jr.$2,728$0-100%
Brian Powers$25,763$0-100%
Carolyn Ganger$62$0-100%
Commodity Credit Corporation$13,957$0-100%
David H. Ross$197$0-100%
David M. Sill Revocable Living Trustee$4,808$0-100%
David Musso$3,631$0-100%
Decker Enterprises, Inc.$19,858$0-100%
Decker Farms, Inc.$22,814$0-100%
Decker Holdings, LLC$2,329$0-100%
Deloris L Grossen Family Trust$205$0-100%
Denfeld Orchards, Inc.$86,742$0-100%
Dion Vineyards, LLC$41,638$0-100%
Donald Schoen$1,548$0-100%
Farm Service Agency/Commodity CRE$97,390$0-100%
Four Ridge Orchards, Inc.$89,043$0-100%
Gary Lillegard$110$0-100%
James E. Bartels$304$0-100%
James L. Lillegard$579$0-100%
JKS Farm, LLC$8,284$0-100%
Juvencio Argueta Ramos$270$0-100%
Laurel Vineyard, the, LLC$16,772$0-100%
Lee Walters$9,756$0-100%
Licorice Lane Farm, Inc.$121,224$0-100%
Loughridge Farm, Inc.$3,318$0-100%
Lyn C. Jacobs$270$0-100%
Mark a Kalsch$894$0-100%
Marvin W Decker Trust$1,339$0-100%
Mary Nunamaker$80,319$0-100%
Matthew J. Furrow$84,788$0-100%
Melinda S. Brinegar$1,009$0-100%
Paolas Pacas, LLC$718$0-100%
Priscilla Decker Living Trust$9,653$0-100%
Richerd B Jinings$1,289$0-100%
Rick L. Dobbs$1,066$0-100%
Robert D Jossy$4,003$0-100%
Robert S Jinings$1,143$0-100%
Sparrowhawk Farm, LLC$8,085$0-100%
SXP Management Group, LLC$1,099$0-100%
Thomas Lillegard$51$0-100%
Vanderzanden Farms, LLC$10,132$0-100%
Virginia E. Charlton$244$0-100%
William K. Noll$2,471$0-100%
Glencoe Farms, LLC$112$0-100%
Kriad, LLC$20,960$0-100%
Krueger's Tree Farm, Inc.$71,283$0-100%
Meadowlake Farms, Inc.$10,620$0-100%
Alan Michael Stokke$327$0-100%
Brian Sheppard$106,558$0-100%
Dustin Kreger$2,871$0-100%
Gemini Vineyards, LLC$11,716$0-100%
J & R Hazelnut Farms, LLC$13,357$0-100%
Jan D. Stark$9,468$0-100%
John Michael Alto$7,109$0-100%
Kendra Tietze Neveln$4,179$0-100%
Marilyn Lawana Actor Estate$2,272$0-100%
Philip W. Lapp$1,995$0-100%
Starlingcrest Vineyards, LLC$8,933$0-100%
Bart Steel$359$0-100%
Gail E. Kelly$239$0-100%
John Morana$906$0-100%
Joyce C. Draper$2,747$0-100%
Julia A. Nelson$173$0-100%
Kenneth E. Thompson$7,882$0-100%
Litas, Inc.$1,638$0-100%
Marlene D Fredrickson Rev Liv Trustee$2,197$0-100%
Patricia L Boehr - Living Trust O$3,527$0-100%
Paul V. Phillips$14,697$0-100%
Total subsidies$7,690,065$6,736,084-12.4%


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