What movies do you want to see in Hillsboro parks this summer?
Good news… you might get your wish!
For the first time ever, Hillsboro community members will choose the four (4) movies to be shown under the stars during the 2023 Pix in the Park series — on Friday nights in August.
Round 1: Community Nominations (March 1 – 31)
Throughout March, go to Engage Hillsboro to nominate your favorite movies in four categories:
- Youth & Family (G/PG)
- Spanish-language (G/PG/PG-13)
- Teen (PG/PG-13)
- Classic Family Favorite (G/PG)
Nominations and voting will also take place on Conectate Hillsboro, the City’s the Spanish-language engagement site.
Nominated movies must meet City of Hillsboro standards as family-friendly options for all community members and must be available for licensing to advance to the next round. Hillsboro Parks & Recreation Department Special Events staff will announce the top 5 finalists in each category on Monday, April 4.
Round 2: Community Voting (April 4 – May 11)
From April 4 to May 11, community members will vote on the movie finalists on Engage Hillsboro and Conectate Hillsboro.The community-selected Spanish-language movie will be featured at Shute Park, while park locations for the other three Pix in the Park movies will be determined by May.
Nominate and vote online 24/7:
Original source can be found here.